Spiritual Connect Energy Bracelet

The Spiritual Connect Energy bracelet is designed to offer a combination of crystals to help you feel connected to your spiritual side.

Angelite is thought to improve spirituality and spiritual awareness, with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Angelite promotes communication and self-express while dispelling fear, anger and anxiety. Angelic is very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras.
This stone will help attune oneself to a higher frequency, which helps connect both their guardian
angels and spirit guides.

Milky Quartz is amazing for cleansing your aura, replaces depleted energy levels, and give you opportunity to amplify your intentions.

Amethyst is known for opening the crown chakra and is a highly spiritual crystal. It is high vibrational that clears away negative energy.


Each energy bracelet comes wrapped in a Karma Crystals Pouch and with description cards.

The Spiritual Crystal Kit is an addition and can be purchased along side the bracelet.  Each crystal kit contains   1x Angelite, 1x Milky Quartz 1x Amethyst and comes with a detailed crystal care guide on how to clean, use and charge them.


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